Friday Funday: 1920s Slang

Happy Friday dear readers! I hope all of your Fridays are passing quickly as we head into the winter holidays and vacation time. My vacation is starting a bit early, with my whole family home today and dragging me out to see Catching Fire for a second time, so this post will be a bit brief because I need to go and get my Jennifer Lawrence on (yeeessss).

As you all know, I’m a big fan of bringing back awesome obsolete words and phrases, because more often than not that are infinitely cooler the things we say now. This is especially the case when it comes to slang, which’s why I was so happy when a good writing friend of mine sent me this post on Thought Catalog of 59 More Slang Phrases From The 1920s We Should Start Using Again. Yolo and twerk have got nothing on some of these bad boys! Make sure you check out the entire list here, and in the meantime, here are some of the highlights to pique your interest along with some helpful memes and gifs to help you learn the new slang. Enjoy, and happy Friday!

Baby Vamp: a very popular young woman or an attractive girl.

“Banana Oil!”: “That’s doubtful.”

Beat Session: a gossip session between two males, consisting of idle chatter.

Burning with a Blue Flame: drunk

(Other slang for drunk: “boiled as an owl,” and “lit up like the commonwealth,” among others)

Cast a Kitten: to throw a temper tantrum.

“Ish Kabibble!”: “Who cares?” , “No worries!”

“Nerts!”: “That’s awesome!”

Togged to the Bricks: dressed to the nines.