Miscellaneous Monday Morning #3


Happy Monday morning readers! And for once it actually *is* a happy Monday morning (at least for us Americans) because it’s Labor Day! What’s better than a holiday Monday? Not much.

This Miscellaneous Monday Morning find comes from Wofford College, where, for their Shared Worlds 2013 project, they asked writers, editors, and artists to write advice on their hands and send them the pictures. The participating advisors include Lev Grossman, Patrick Rothfuss, Neil Gaiman, Garth Nix, and Kirsten Imani Kasai, among others. The complete list and gallery can be found here, and you should check them all out seeing as you aren’t busy at work anyway. Here’s a little teaser that might persuade you.

Wise words, Patrick Rothfuss, wise words

Wise words, Patrick Rothfuss, wise words