Miscellaneous Monday Morning: Map of the Most Famous Book Set in Every State


Happy Monday morning dear readers! As always, I come bearing a quick reprieve from the Monday morning drag, which hopefully isn’t too overbearing for you today. This week, I give you a neat little map done up by Business Insider that was making the rounds on various social media sites last week, which documents the most famous book set in each of the fifty states in the United States.

There has been a bit of controversy surrounding this map since Business Insider didn’t release what factors qualify a book to be deemed “most famous,” so people have been weighing in on what they think are the actual most famous books in each state. For example, many have cried foul over the fact that David Foster Wallace’s The Broom of the System was named as Ohio’s most famous book instead of Toni Morrison’s classic Beloved. Do any of these titles surprise you, dear readers? Were any of your favorites not included? Discuss!

We Don’t Just Make Your Coffee: Why Employers Love Hiring English and Humanities Majors


If you majored in English or in another “useless” humanities field like Art History or Philosophy, then you’ve been the butt of this meme’s joke more times than you can count. You’ve heard it so many times, in fact, that maybe you’ve even started to believe it. But fear not, fellow English and humanities majors! We are not all doomed to a life of serving overpriced diabetes-inducing coffee drinks (unless, of course, you want to work at a coffee shop, which’s cool too). There are employers out there who not only hire us, but even (gasp!) *LOVE* to hire us!

Wowed English Major cat says “Whaaatt?”

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