Epic Quote of the Day: Jane Austen


Today has been a pretty typical Monday thus far, dear readers, and I’ve found that the best way to deal with typical Mondays is by laughing. While I usually post fun comics and other silly things on days when I feel like I need a good laugh, I’ve decided to change things up a bit today and go with this fabulous Jane Austen quote instead. Because, really, when you saw that Jane Austen was today’s Epic Quote of the Day, did you expect it to be this? JaneAusten

Epic Quote of the Day: Alice Munro

Award season is in full swing, dear readers, and last week Canadian short story writer Alice Munro became the 13th woman to win literature’s most coveted prize, the Nobel Prize in Literature. It seems only right, then, to have today’s Epic Quote of the Day come from her. After all, nobody is quite as epic as Alice Munro right now.


Epic Quote of the Day: Ernest Hemingway


So, as you know, dear readers, I will be doing NaNoWriMo next month. I am now well into the process of preparing for it (which I will be talking about later on this afternoon), and arguably the hardest part for me so far has been getting on board with what Ernest Hemingway says in today’s Epic Quote of the Day. Do any of my fellow writers have any tips to help me get over this mental hurdle, besides using profanity to describe a first draft?


Epic Quote of the Day: Virginia Woolf

Last night I was reading Bridget Jones’s Diary (yes, I’m switching back and forth between A Visit from the Goon Squad and Bridget Jones. What can I say? Sometimes you just want to read something cute and fun) and I remembered a conversation I had with a classmate once. She told me that even though she wanted to write what she dubbed “high brow literature,” she was getting to the point where she’d settle for writing what she considered “silly” stories like Bridget Jones, just so she could get her name out into the world.

This naturally led us into a long and convoluted discussion about the pros and cons of “selling out,” and this was one of the many quotes that came up during the course of that talk. A bit pessimistic, I’ll admit, though nobody could ever really say that Virginia Woolf was an optimistic, happy person; that whole suicide by drowning thing put a bit of a damper on those rumors.

Vita Sackville-West

Epic Quote of the Day: Joss Whedon

Dear readers, I have no idea why it has taken me so long to post one of Joss Whedon’s many Epic Quotes, seeing as he is one of my all-time favorite human beings. I love his work as a screenwriter and director (who doesn’t like Buffy or Cabin in the Woods??), and Firefly has been my favorite show for close to a decade now, which is why I was so pleased to find this quote filtering around in cyberspace today (though I must say, I’m pretty sure no puppies were shot in that show. If there had been it definitely wouldn’t be my favorite…and if there were, I repressed it and have no desire to remember it, so don’t tell me!).

Anywho, here is a little bit of snark about happy endings to brighten up your Mondays from the man himself. Enjoy!


Epic Quote of the Day: George R. R. Martin #2

Dear reader, it is done. It is finally done. I finished A Dance with Dragons at approximately 3am last night and have now joined the masses eagerly awaiting the day that The Winds of Winter hits shelves. I’ll write about the books in detail in my upcoming review of the series and analysis of its adaptation for HBO, but for now all I’ll say is: What a wild ride.

Today’s Epic Quote of the Day is yet another quote from George R. R. Martin, because, yes, I am still more than a little obsessed (as well as *furious*. Those of you who’ve read A Dance with Dragons know why) with him at the moment. This one is a quote from the first book,  A Game of Thrones, and happens during a conversation between Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow that really struck home for me. Enjoy, and valar morghulis!


Epic Quote of the Day: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Seeing as today is a more joke-centric day than usual for this blog and I’m doing copious amounts of editing work at the moment, I felt that it was only apt to have F. Scott Fitzgerald give his two cents on a common mistake that many writers (including myself) make with their work in today’s Epic Quote of the Day.

Enjoy! (See what I did there? I’m okay with laughing at my own jokes today)


Epic Quote of the Day: Mark Twain

Ever since I found Stephen King’s quote about adverbs, I’ve been doing my best to try to cut them out of my writing both here and in my creative work. Well…lets just say it hasn’t been going all that well. If anything, it feels like I’ve been *adding* adverbs instead of removing them, because every time I use one I think it’s absolutely vital that it be included (see, like what I did there; how would you know that something was super duper important if I hadn’t added “absolutely” to that sentence? “Vital” alone isn’t enough. Really. Trust me. I’m a writer, I know these things).

Because my current strategy is less than effective, I’m going to turn to fellow snarky writer Mark Twain and see what advice he gives to writers looking to remove those pesky little adverbs from their work.
